Undergoing Cosmetic Procedures To Enhance Your Looks? 5 Points To Keep In Mind – Check Experts Tips

Undergoing Cosmetic Procedures To Enhance Your Looks? 5 Points To Keep In Mind – Check Experts Tips

Your work, your nature and your behaviour matter, not looks. You might have been told this many times and while these words are definitely true, the fact remains that despite the personal attributes that one might possess, human beings always place a great deal of importance on their physical appearances. A phrase like ‘first impressions are the best impressions’ is also somewhat rooted in that sentiment. With the advent of social media, people’s look-consciousness has only increased. 

Dr Amit Gupta, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Divine Aesthetics Surgery, shares, “Nowadays, people are becoming increasingly conscious of how the world perceives them, especially with the penetration of social media and heightened awareness about the abundantly available options to enhance one’s looks. However, as the industry for aesthetic surgeries reaches new advancements, there remains a lack of understanding about the full range of cosmetic procedures for individuals to pursue surgeries for an elevated way of living.”

With the growing attraction of cosmetic procedures, it becomes even more important to be preventive rather than opting for ‘gimmicks,’ often not provided by certified medical professionals, says Dr Gupta. If you have been considering elevating your physical appearance or seeking professional input, here are some preventive checks you must do before undergoing a cosmetic procedure, according to Dr Gupta.

Cosmetic Surgery: Checklist That You Must Follow

Dr Amit Gupta sheds light on how individuals need to take over their bodily autonomy and start gearing up in a world of information overload to seek cosmetic or aesthetic assistance from professionals, more mindfully.

1. Understanding The Difference Between ‘Need’ vs ‘Want’

Altering your physical appearance in the slightest is a permanent, sometimes irreversible change. Before finalising any procedure, one must ask oneself important questions such as ‘Why do they want cosmetic surgery’, ‘What problems are they looking to focus on’, and ‘Is it need-based or want-based’. It is essential to introspect before undergoing any procedure and do due diligence to seek clarity of thought – from professionals, from people who have had a similar procedure done and conducting the necessary research. It is important to understand that cosmetic surgeries are not a miracle cure but are aimed at altering the appearance of a body part that restricts you from living your full potential. It is important to note that you shouldn’t opt for surgery to ‘impress’ someone or do it under any pressure.

2. Prioritising The Authenticity Of The Facility And The Doctor

Cosmetic surgeries have a long-term impact towards positive transformation. These procedures influence not just your physical appearance but also significantly impact your mental and emotional well-being. With that in mind, it is extremely important to verify the authenticity of the centre and the healthcare practitioner you are engaging with, checking their full credentials. A specialised plastic surgeon with experience in the treatment or procedure you want to get done can decode the jargon and help you adjust to your new reality as opposed to someone who has generalised training. Ensure that your doctor possesses an MBBS Degree, a postgraduate degree in General Surgery (MS) or equivalent, and a Diplomate of National Board (DNB) in Plastic Surgery whilst undergoing hands-on clinical training across various subspecialties such as aesthetic surgery, reconstructive surgery, and more. Additionally, it’s advisable to go to an accredited hospital setting as the surroundings matter considerably with the results you seek. Choose doctors who are linked to accredited hospitals instead of clinics without enough emergency equipment. Accredited centres offer a lower rate of complications, and mortality as well as around-the-clock post-operative care.

3. Make Sure The Centre Provides State-Of-The-Art Facilities And Operative Care

State-of-the-art technology has penetrated our regular life hence it’s also important to expect care at the highest level once opting to undergo a cosmetic procedure. Seek details about the kind of technology and products the centre is going to use for your area of surgery. Always ensure that the centre is well equipped to provide you with 3D imaging, specialised x-ray examinations, laser technology, ultrasounds to assist in advanced liposuctions, microscopic interventions, pre and post-surgery consultations and more. Additionally, the centre must provide the best of pre-operative care and counsel to you – nothing about the place, staff or surgeon should make you feel anxious, tense, or uncomfortable. You should feel relaxed enough to ask as many questions as possible.

4. Ensure Your Post-Operative Care Is Top Notch

Recovery is an integral part of cosmetic procedures that helps you get back into the groove of your regular life. Hence, it is important to converse with your doctor about your potential ‘R&R’ time to make necessary arrangements in life. While your personal care is one aspect of recovery, you should ensure that you receive 24×7 care by trained/licensed nurses as the first 24 to 48 hours are crucial. Talk to your doctor about laying out an emergency plan or a directive in case of any anticipated complications which should be implemented, if needed. Additionally, also follow the instructions your healthcare provider lays out for you. As cosmetic surgeries continue to gain popularity, it is important that your surgeon and the centre offer the highest standards of patient care.

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5. Create A Safe Space That Supports You Through The Entire Process

Undergoing any procedure takes a huge toll on your physical, mental, and social life – no matter how big or small an operation is. While it is important to rely on healthcare professionals, it is also essential to cultivate an ecosystem of people who can provide you with the support you need. With the evolution of time and society’s perception towards cosmetic surgeries, it must be noted that most professionals encourage having a support system that helps you cope with the change that you are welcoming into your life, just like any other surgery. Not only will telling the people closest to you guarantee you have someone to check on you after surgery (and drive you home), but it can also help you adapt to the change.

The world of cosmetic surgery still surrounds common myths with the influences from television and social media. “While we are moving away from the taboos, one procedure at a time, it is essential to set your expectations right making it important for patients as well as doctors to indulge in a dialogue before ‘undergoing the knife’ – as many like to phrase it. A healthy ecosystem of caregivers and experts helps you achieve reliable sources of information and lay out the necessary steps one must take, without any ulterior motives. Finding a board-certified plastic surgeon is ultimately about finding someone with expertise, confidence, and reassurance,” says Dr Amit Gupta.

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