Celebrating Earth Day

Celebrating Earth Day


At Sagora Senior Living we are constantly creating new experiences to engage our residents and find exciting ways to showcase our amazing communities and how we truly embrace each moment we create together! April 22 is Earth Day, and we are excited to celebrate our planet and show support for ways that we can have a positive impact on our environment and greater communities.


Since its conception in 1970, Earth Day has become the most widely recognized secular observance across the entire world. On April 22, people everywhere take steps to make a positive impact on their natural environment. While we should be kind to the earth every day, this holiday serves as a great reminder to do so. Today, the Earth Day Network (EDN), which brings together more than 20,000 partners and organizations in 190 countries, supports the Earth Day mission year-round. This mission is founded on the premise that all people, regardless of race, gender, income, or geography, have a moral right to a healthy, sustainable environment. The Earth Day Network pursues this mission through education, public policy, and activism campaigns. These campaigns bring together more than one billion participants every year.


While it can seem a little overwhelming to find ways to get involved and help make our planet a better place, there are many things we can do every day to make a positive impact! To celebrate Earth Day on April 22, here are some fun and engaging activities for seniors. This is also a great opportunity to get outside and support your community, as well as the future generations of your family.


Engaging Earth Day Activities for Seniors


Start a garden

If you haven’t started your spring garden yet, Earth Day is a fantastic time to begin. Invite your family to help you determine what you should plant, and then start the garden together. This is a great activity to enjoy alongside your grandchildren, as you can continue working on it for years to come. Consider purchasing or building raised beds so you don’t have to strain yourself crouching to the ground.


Join or host a seedling swap

If you already have a garden, a seedling swap is a fun activity to engage in that helps it grow! At this event, you bring seeds or cuttings from your plants and swap them with other attendees. This is not only a way to add more life to your garden, but to grow your social circle of like-minded individuals too.


Shop at a farmer’s market

Spring marks the start of dozens of farmer’s markets. Support your local farmers by sampling and purchasing your produce for the week from these stands. Their small businesses will benefit from your patronage, and you’ll taste a difference in the fresh fruits and vegetables.


Donate old clothes

One of the largest producers of waste in the entire world is the clothing industry. Don’t contribute to that problem by throwing away the clothes you don’t wear anymore. Instead, donate them to a charity shop or homeless shelter. If your clothes are too worn to donate, there are still things you can do to make use of them. Old T-shirts are a great option for clean-up rags.


Join a litter clean-up event

Each year, dozens of organizations take to their local parks to pick up litter. Join one of these events and help return your favorite parks to their beautiful selves again. This is probably the most fulfilling activity that you can take part in on Earth Day.


Today, not only is Earth Day meant to increase awareness of environmental problems, but it is also becoming a popular time for many communities to gather together to clean up litter, plant trees, or simply reflect on the beauty of nature. In addition to taking action outside your home, there are little things you can do around the house to make a positive impact on the environment every day of the year. These are easy changes that any senior can make to their daily life with minimal effort.



Make Earth Day every day


  •        Install energy-saving light bulbs.While the initial investment is more expensive than a standard light bulb purchase, it will pay off in the end. Homes that use energy-saving light bulbs save money on their energy bills while making an impact on the environment.


  •        Turn off/unplug appliances when not in use. Many individuals have a bad habit of leaving lights on in uninhabited rooms or leaving appliances (like the toaster) plugged in. Similarly to using energy-saving light bulbs, turning off appliances will make an impact and save you money.


  •        Leave reusable shopping bags in your car.Plastic grocery bags cause a great deal of unnecessary waste. Instead of contributing to that problem, use reusable shopping bags at every possible opportunity. If you leave them in your car, you’ll be more likely to use them.


  •        Start a compost bin.Food waste is an unfortunately common problem, but you can help combat it by composting. The act of composting involves converting organic materials into fertilizer by allowing them to naturally decompose. While it might be a little bit of a learning curve to get started, your compost can be used to help your garden grow.


  •        Fix water leaks.The occasional drip might not seem like a problem, but it can end up wasting hundreds of gallons of water a week. If you notice a leak in any of your pipes, fix it as soon as possible.


Regardless if you get involved this year on Earth Day or commit to making little changes throughout the year, if we all work together, we can make a big difference!


To learn more about the Sagora experience, tour your local community today! We are proud to play a vital role in helping seniors live longer and the best life possible. With 64 communities in 12 different states, Sagora Senior Living offers seniors the chance to live in active, social communities where they can thrive on a daily basis.


To find out more, tour your local Sagora Senior Living community!


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